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(336) 560-5400
Triad Legal Group – Legal services for modest income people
Providing services for people with low to modest income
Practice Areas
Child Custody and Child Support
Criminal Law and DWI
Family Law and Divorce
Guardianship Lawyers
Domestic Violence, 50-B
Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
Attorneys & Staff
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Practice Areas
Child Custody and Child Support
Criminal Law and DWI
Family Law and Divorce
Guardianship Lawyers
Domestic Violence, 50-B
Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
Attorneys & Staff
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Needs List
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Triad Legal Group, Inc.<br /> 122 N. Elm Street, 9th Floor<br /> Self Help Building<br /> Greensboro NC 27401
122 N. Elm Street, 9th Floor | Greensboro, NC 27401
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